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6 Weeks till move
Planning is something we overlook the importance of. Planning well before hand will save you hours of stress in the long run. Once you know the completion date of the move, start planning! The following planner will help you focus on what needs to be done when.
6 Weeks To Go
- If you are renting, Formally notify your landlord of the date youre vacating the premises.
- Arrange for a property inspection to recoup the bond.
- Arrange for Disconnection and reconnection of Phone, Gas And Electricity, Sky T.V.
- Inform Gas and Electrical companies that you require an account at the new address.
- Start collecting Packing Materials.
- Book time off work.
- Have a major clear out do not wait until you move to have a garage sale or a trip to the tip.
- Create an inventory list of items you want to move. Separate moving items into categories, such as moving, storage disposal, giveaway, and garage sale.
- Arrange the transfer of your childrens school records to the new school.
- Back up your computer hard drive.
- Ensure that both the printer and scanner are able to be packed securely for travel.
All these things take a bit of time, and shouldnt be rushed. Stay tuned for the 2 week, 1 week and the day after moving guides. Print them out and stick them on your fridge!
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